Self-Hosted Private Cloud

Public clouds are not a safe solution. Most consumer-grade solutions like Dropbox or Office 365 were not designed with privacy regulations and security concerns in mind. Our self-hosted solution, based on widely used Nextcloud, ensure you know where data is, who has access, and that even meta-data does not leak. See how Nextcloud compares to these popular closed-source services.

Among nearly 200 customers of Nextcloud are the German Federal Government, SIEMENS, the Max Planck Institute, Germania airlines, Raiffeisen, the German Red Cross, German broadcaster ARD, dozens of Universities in Hawaii, Konstanz, Nantes, Minnesota, Berlin and other places, dozens of municipalities from Ålesund, Bern and Courtenay to Tirana and Vaulx-en-Velin and many more.

Essential features included in our custom Self-Hosted Private Cloud solution (server part):

You can host it as addition to our Small Business Server solution or on dedicated off-site VPS. Nextcloud offers various layers of encryption to keep your data secure: Data encryption during transit, data content encryption on the server, server full disk encryption and end-to-end encryption.

Initial Meeting

Let’s schedule an initial consultation meeting at your offices to discuss this solution in greater detail!